Plant orange seeds.

  • Spread Bitcoin with Love

    Caution: This material may contain orange seeds or may have been processed in a facility that also processes orange seeds. “Are bitcoiners too disagreeable? I get it. FNB. But can it be taken too far? TBH if a survey claimed bitcoin enthusiasts were being perceived as too ‘toxic’ or ‘highly regarded,’ my barely-voluntary reaction would be “#GrowFoodYourself” (abbreviated,…

It’s just me so I’ll spare you the royal ‘We’

Having cleared the first peak of Dunning-Krueger relatively intact, I accelerate briskly down the slope of humility, hoping momentum can whisk me through the valley of doubt without delay.

As I snatch another crayon snack from the discount pack, a mumble of a thought – per chance, a vibe – softly reverberates…

So here we are. I say ‘we’ because you’re still here. Looking forward to hearing your feedback and figuring out together what the heck is going on.


Humble stacker