Plant orange seeds.

Spread Bitcoin with Love

Caution: This material may contain orange seeds or may have been processed in a facility that also processes orange seeds.

“Are bitcoiners too disagreeable? I get it. FNB. But can it be taken too far?

TBH if a survey claimed bitcoin enthusiasts were being perceived as too ‘toxic’ or ‘highly regarded,’ my barely-voluntary reaction would be “#GrowFoodYourself” (abbreviated, of course).

After all isn’t Satoshi’s tough love the grit for our gizzards that we use to pulverize the lies?


Michael Saylor recently spoke in Prague where he covered 21 rules of bitcoin.

The final and seemingly most vital and virtuous rule was to ‘spread bitcoin with love.’

I don’t know how to do that.

But I have decided that learning and developing the capacity and skill could be a bit nice.